Contact TCI Sales and Support (205)-640-7099

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TCI Sales Manufacturer Advantages and Benefits

Customer knowledge and relationship: TCI Sales and our associates have over 240 years of experience in the electric industry. With relationships lasting from the 1970’s and continuing through today, we offer a relationship with the customer that can not be equaled.

Synergy: TCI Sales handles multiple lines that are complimentary, which causes much diversity in customers, providing the opportunity to present your products to new leads, projects and customers. TCI associates are well entrenched with multiple disciplines creating more opportunities. This makes the customer’s life easier in today’s world of reduced staffing and proportionally increased workloads.

Access to Critical Information: Because of the long term customer relationships TCI Sales maintains, we have access to critical information that can make the difference between success and failure. 

Highly Motivated: TCI Sales associates are all highly motivated and driven to provide the highest level of service.

Value: TCI Sales can be a cost saving solution to marketing your products. Fixed and overhead costs normally associated with a direct salesperson are covered by TCI Sales. These include support staff salaries, automobiles, air travel, hotels, telephones, computers, pensions, healthcare, field office costs, and much more. The manufacturer pays a commission based on performance only. If the market is slow, or during long sales cycles, the manufacturer’s sales cost are negligible.

What we do:

Maintains long-term relationships.

Identify applications for the manufacturer's products.

Educate the customer on the capabilities, applications, and advantages.

Coordinate with manufacturers on total approach and solution.

Work closely with the customer to get products specified as early and completely as possible.

Monitor and evaluate specifications.

Ensure all correspondence is properly evaluated and received.

Provide any past bid history to help the manufacturer submit a competitive bid.

Review submittal documents to ensure all necessary requirements are met.

Attend bid opening, record results, and supply information.

Track proposals and projects using electronic databases.

Work closely with evaluating proposals to ensure the end user is satisfied.

Build relationships.

Review the order and ensure accuracy with the customer's requirements and the manufacturer's quote.

Track orders for on-time shipment from the manufacturer.

Coordinate any field effort required from the factory with the customer.

Solve field problems.

Ensure customers satisfied with products and performance on an ongoing basis.

Continue the relationship long after the project is complete.

If you are a manufacturer interested in learning about our advantages, this information will be valuable. We would enjoy any discussions to ensure our team and your products are a great fit for a long-term successful partnership. Contact TCI Sales for more information.